MEDPRO Leaflet

MEDPRO, short for Mediterranean Prospects, is a project involving a consortium of 18 highly reputed institutions from throughout the Mediterranean region, funded under the EU’s 7th Framework Programme and coordinated by the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), based in Brussels.
At its core, MEDPRO explores the challenges facing the Southern Mediterranean region, which is committed to implementing ambitious political and economic reforms while at the same time addressing the most pressing social and environmental issues, such as curbing chronic unemployment, improving living standards, addressing inequality, ending all forms of discrimination and conserving the natural habitat. Addressing these challenges requires political will, good governance, the broadest possible participation, and, above all, a sharp understanding of the driving forces at play. The outcome of the ongoing reforms will ultimately be determined by their relationship with the predominant social, cultural, political and environmental factors. By considering a wide range of interactions, MEDPRO aims to explore a number of alternative scenarios that can be expected to arise by 2030 in the region with a view to laying a sound foundation for future policy on social and economic development, paying special attention, where relevant, to the role and potential contribution of the EU.