Demography, health and ageing

Population Scenarios and Policy Implications for Southern Mediterranean Countries, 2010-2050

In this MEDPRO Policy Paper, four population scenarios were derived that describe indicators of demographic behaviour for people living in different future political-economic contexts. The paper explores future trends in i) population growth at regional and national levels, ii) working age populations, and iii) elderly populations.

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Date of publication: 
Tue, 19/03/2013
George Groenewold and Joop de Beer
Institutions: NIDI

Population Scenarios for South Mediterranean Countries: 2010-2050

This MEDPRO project report describes four population growth scenarios for 11 countries in the Mediterranean region, using the MEDPRO economic-political development framework to consider how indicators of fertility, mortality, and international migration might change if people in these countries were to live in different macro-economic and political contexts. The paper also reflects on the results obtained in light of recent political developments in the region.

Date of publication: 
Wed, 15/08/2012
George Groenewold, Joop de Beer, Corina Huisman
Institutions: NIDI

Demography, health and ageing (Work Package 3)

The Mediterranean countries under consideration are already in a process of demographic transition with the decline of youth population. This poses serious challenges to policymakers given the fact that most of the economies under consideration have failed to provide either employment for the current active workforce and employment perspectives for those who will enter the job market in the next decades.

Dr. George Groenewold

First name: 
Last name: 
WP3 leader, NIDI team leader
+31 70 35 65 260

Dr. George Groenewold is a demographer at NiDi. Before, he worked at FAO (Regional Advisory Services for the Middle East and West Asia) providing support to institutions in the region on Population and Development issues in the context of Rural Development. At NiDi, his research covers, among others, international migration from African and Middle Eastern countries to Europe. He also carries out training missions in the region on demographic analysis, including population projection methods and software applications.

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MEDPRO Cairo meeting

29/06/2010 09:00
30/06/2010 17:00
Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences of the Cairo University, Egypt
Speakers : 
MEDPRO Team members
Description of event: 

On June 29th and 30th, the Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences of the Cairo University (FEPS) hosted MEDPRO’s first implementation workshop on demography, human capital inequalities and migration. Speakers gave a glimpse on the demographic situation and state of education in selected Maghreb and Mashrek countries highlighting their commonalities and divergences. On this basis, partners discussed their updated work plans pointing at the complementarities between these two streams of MEDPRO’s research. The discussion clarified the methodology to undertake the foresight exercise and defined the next steps to move forward.
