Technical report

Adaptation to Climate Change in the Southern Mediterranean: A Theoretical Framework, a Foresight Analysis and Three Case Studies

Adaptation to climate change in southern and eastern Mediterranean countries is particularly relevant because of the strong expected effects on the region and the sensitivity of important sectors like agriculture and tourism to climate change. This work analyses qualitative scenarios with the support of insights from the theoretical literature and information collected from case studies about Tunisia, Egypt and Turkey. We deal with several dimensions of adaptation, including the role of the government, equity, uncertainty and linkages with mitigation.

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MEDPRO TR No 26 WP4a Osberghaus.pdf2.39 MB25751 year 41 weeks ago
Date of publication: 
Thu, 07/02/2013
Daniel Osberghaus, Claudio Baccianti
Institutions: ZEW

Economic and climate change pressures on biodiversity in southern Mediterranean coastal areas

This paper establishes and measures key biodiversity and ecosystem health indicators and the number of world heritage sites in coastal areas at global level. It then estimates – econometrically – the indicators’ influence on the provision of tourism values through the marine ecosystem function as a harbour of biodiversity, and as a provider of amenity values and marine cultural identity. The report then focuses on the MEDPRO region, providing some estimates of the potential impact of climate change on these services for a given temperature increase scenario.

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MEDPRO TR No 24 WP4a Bosello.pdf502.2 KB24271 year 41 weeks ago
Date of publication: 
Tue, 05/02/2013
Laura Onofri , Paulo A.L.D. Nunes , Francesco Bosello
Institutions: FEEM

Education and Social Protection Systems in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries

This report assesses the current status of the education and social protection systems in 11 southern and eastern Mediterranean countries. It compares these countries using various education indicators and attempts to highlight the main differences in the social protection systems among the countries using qualitative analysis.

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MEDPRO TR No 20 WP7 El Mahdi.pdf1.14 MB232524 weeks 17 hours ago
Date of publication: 
Wed, 30/01/2013
Alia el Mahdi, Ola el Khawaga , Ashraf el Araby
Institutions: FEPS

Prospects for Energy Supply and Demand in the Southern Mediterranean: Scenarios for 2010–30

The aim of this technical report is to quantify alternative energy demand and supply scenarios for ten southern and eastern Mediterranean countries up to 2030.

The report presents the model-based results of four alternative scenarios that are broadly in line with the MEDPRO scenario specifications on regional integration and cooperation with the EU. The report analyses the main implications of the scenarios in the following areas:

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MEDPRO TR No 22 WP4b Fragkos et al.pdf560.33 KB35065 hours 44 min ago
Date of publication: 
Thu, 13/12/2012
Panagiotis Fragkos, Nikos Kouvaritakis, Pantelis Capros
Institutions: E3M Lab at ICCS/NTUA

Energy Efficiency: Trends and Perspectives in the Southern Mediterranean

This paper has two objectives. First, it attempts to establish the potential of policies on energy efficiency and energy demand-side management in the southern Mediterranean region. Second, by examining past trends in energy intensity and trends up to 2030, it analyses the prospects and costs of such policies, compared with expected developments in the price of energy resources.

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MEDPRO TR No 21 WP4b Blanc.pdf602.17 KB282231 weeks 4 hours ago
Date of publication: 
Thu, 13/12/2012
Frédéric Blanc
Institutions: FEMISE

Female Labour Force Participation and Economic Development in Southern Mediterranean Countries: What scenarios for 2030?

This paper investigates the relationship between female labour force participation rates and economic growth in southern Mediterranean countries. A two-step methodology involving econometric estimations and the use of a general equilibrium model was used for this purpose.

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MEDPRO TR No 19 WP7 Tsani.pdf357.78 KB66015 weeks 2 days ago
Date of publication: 
Mon, 10/12/2012
Stella Tsani, Leonidas Paroussos, Costas Fragiadakis, Ioannis Charalambidis, Pantelis Capros
Institutions: E3M Lab at ICCS/NTUA

Inequality in the Southern Mediterranean: A survey of selected countries

This paper addresses the issues of current levels of inequality: their trends, determinants and future scenarios, demonstrating that welfare levels are measured by per capita consumption. Location, educational attainment and employment status have been identified as the key factors affecting levels of welfare and its distribution. A benefit incidence analysis was performed to investigate benefits of different deciles of per capita expenditure from education and health services.

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MEDPRO TR No 23 WP7 El Laithy.pdf776.65 KB284224 weeks 2 days ago
Date of publication: 
Thu, 06/12/2012
Heba El Laithy
Institutions: FEPS

Outlook for Oil and Gas in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries

The aim of this report is to elaborate the MEDPRO Energy Reference Scenario for oil and gas supply and demand up to 2030 for southern and eastern Mediterranean countries. The report gives an assessment of

- oil and gas reserves by country;
- oil and gas production, domestic demand and export scenarios by country; and
- the existing and planned infrastructure for oil and gas exports.

Finally, the report presents some insights on the future role of the Mediterranean as an oil and gas transit region.

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MEDPRO TR No 18 WP4b Hafner et al.pdf5.21 MB285745 weeks 5 days ago
Date of publication: 
Fri, 09/11/2012
Manfred Hafner, Simone Tagliapietra, El Habib El Elandaloussi
Institutions: FEEM

Measuring Returns to Education and Human Capital in the Southern Mediterranean

Measuring human capital has been a significant challenge for economists because the main variable of interest is intangible and not directly observable. In the Middle Eastern and Northern African region the task is further complicated by the general scarcity of comparable and reliable data.

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MEDPRO TR No 17 WP7 Arbak.pdf526.48 KB46703 days 22 hours ago
Date of publication: 
Fri, 05/10/2012
Emrah Arbak
Institutions: CEPS

Outlook for Electricity and Renewable Energy in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean Countries

The aim of this report is to elaborate the MEDPRO Energy Reference Scenario for electricity demand and power generation (by energy source) in the southern and eastern part of the Mediterranean (MED-11 countries) up to 2030. The report assesses:

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MEDPRO TR No 16 WP4b Hafner et al.pdf7.74 MB234937 weeks 6 days ago
Date of publication: 
Wed, 03/10/2012
Manfred Hafner, Simone Tagliapietra and El Habib El Andaloussi
Institutions: FEEM